Friday, January 15, 2010

Fink: Biscuits for Breakfast

Biscuits for Breakfast by Fink - Album Review

The first Fink trio record, Biscuits for Breakfast, is a wildly evocative and moody journey. Fink is a solo artist who used to record under that moniker as a disc jockey. The trio has since evolved from his work with Ninja Tune Records, moving from a beat-box solo artist into an accomplished folk trio. In fact, the band Fink has become quite a formidable force in the indie/underground music scene so of course its derivation deserves closer scrutiny. Hailing from Bristol, the Fink trio has a somber quality which closely aligns them with others from the same region; echoes of the distinctive Bristol sound found in artists such as Massive Attack, Portished, and Tricky...


Fink: Distance and Time

British DJ/Producer/Singer/Songwriter/Guitar player Fin Greenall (aka Fink; also front-man in trio of the same name) had been rocking hard core beats for years. However his 2007 Ninja Tune release represents a shift in tenor; "Distance & Time," is anything but rocking. Distance & Time is a mellow, largely acoustic mix which begins with Trouble and ends at the Mailbox. Along the way Fink has breakfast memories, gets his share, makes it good, and wonders what if, if only...

Read the Full Review

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fink on Idealizing Musicians

My interview with Fin Greenall (aka Fink) was very interesting; the musician had a lot to say. We talked about the business, politics, life, and music. Fink has some favorite bands; idealizing any band beyond their utility can be a slippery slope. Read the full article HERE.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fink on DIY Recording

During my recent interview with British singer/songwriter/guitarist/DJ Fink, there was a great deal which was spoken about. So much, in fact, that I couldn't include all of Fink's comments in the body of the main interview. One important thing which Fink spoke about which captured my attention was the production values on his records...Read the full article HERE.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fink: "Sort of Revolution"

My proper record review of Fink's "Sort of Revolution"

Fink on Blueberry Pancakes

"I'll Have Another Pint of Stella Please Brooke..."

Fink speaks about the song Blueberry Pancakes. From my interview with Fink

Fink on Session Playing and Fink's Fingers

Fink talks about his fingers. From my interview with Fink

"I recently was lucky enough to interview the uber-talented skater, DJ, producer, singer, songwriter, and guitar player Fin Greenall (aka Fink) when he was in Los Angeles for a couple shows. Fink had all sorts of interesting things to say about music, the recording industry, the recent economic crisis in Estonia, and his sister's uncanny resemblance to my own wife. One thing though, at one point in our two hour discourse on the rooftop of the Le Montrose Suite Hotel in West Hollywood, was when Fink remarked that he at one point wanted to be a session player; but was thwarted..."

Read the full article here: